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From Failure to Success: The Power of Learning Through Mistakes
By Becky Rothwell profile image Becky Rothwell
4 min read

From Failure to Success: The Power of Learning Through Mistakes

I've never met anyone who likes failure. Well, let's just say that failure has a bit of a bad reputation. To put it in a rather abstract fashion failure is like the brussels sprouts of life, not everyone likes them but, unfortunately, they're good

I've never met anyone who likes failure. Well, let's just say that failure has a bit of a bad reputation. To put it in a rather abstract fashion failure is like the brussels sprouts of life, not everyone likes them but, unfortunately, they're good for you (apparently)! But honestly, who wants to admit they like failure? It's like saying you like getting speeding tickets or doing the washing up. But, just like those things, failure is a necessary part of life. It's not always fun, but it can lead to great things. And let's be honest, some of the best stories come from our failures. So, don't worry if you haven't met someone who likes failure yet, you're in good company, and probably the majority of the population. But who knows, you might just be the person who changes their mind and starts enjoying failure, like eating brussels sprouts.

The Benefits of Learning Through Failure

I know what you're thinking, how on earth can I learn through failure? Well, it's a bit of a long and tedious story. However, over the past few months, I've learnt more through failure then I ever have when I was 'sitting pretty' and not failing.

I get it, you might be wondering how failure can actually be a teacher, right? Well, I've learned more from failing over the past few months than I ever did when everything seemed to be going smoothly.

You see, failure is like a mirror that shows you who you really are. It helps you recognise your strengths and weaknesses, giving you a clearer picture of your true capabilities. It's like a crash course in resilience – when the next challenge comes knocking, you're better prepared to face it.

But wait..... there's more to it. Failure can change your perspective. When things don't go as planned, and sometimes they don't, it's tough to see the bigger picture. When you take a step back, you start to see what went wrong and how you can do better next time. It can even open up unexpected opportunities you never knew existed.

Overcoming the fear of failure

Fear is similar to trying to squeeze into those ultra-skinny jeans. It feels tight, uncomfortable, and you can't shake that nagging thought that they might not fit. But here's the secret: just as with those jeans, fear can be overcome with some determination and a whole lot of shimmying and wiggling.

Fear has a remarkable ability to act as invisible shackles, preventing us from reaching our full potential. It has this sneaky way of locking us in our comfort zones, making it hard to venture beyond. Whether it's the fear of falling short, facing rejection, or just stepping into the unknown, it can hold us back from chasing our dreams and embracing the risks that could lead to personal and professional growth. It's like a constant whisper of doubt in our ears, chipping away at our self-confidence and convincing us to settle for less than what we truly deserve. Fear becomes this formidable wall that stops us from exploring new horizons, trying fresh experiences, or seizing the chances life offers. To break free from its grip, we need to stand up to our fears, see them as opportunities for growth, and muster the courage to step outside our comfort zone. That's when we can genuinely unlock our potential and set sail on the journey toward success and fulfilment, in our own unique way.

Implementing a growth mindset

A growth mindset is like trying to learn a new dance move, at first, you might feel like a clumsy elephant, but with practice and repetition, you'll eventually get the hang of it, and soon you'll be a dancing queen (or king).

Here's ten tips I use to help grow and keep me in a growth mindset:

1) Acknowledge Your Current Mindset: Start by recognising your current mindset. Are you more inclined towards a fixed mindset (believing your abilities are static) or open to a growth mindset (believing you can develop and improve)? Awareness is the always the first step towards change.

2) Embrace Challenges: View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as threats to your abilities. Instead of avoiding them, approach challenges with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. Understand that it's okay to make mistakes along the way.

3) Change Your Self-Talk: Pay attention to your inner dialogue. Replace self-limiting statements like "I can't do this" with empowering ones like "I can learn how to do this with practice." Challenge and reframe negative thoughts about your abilities.

4) Learn from Failures: Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. When you encounter setbacks or mistakes, analyze them objectively. What can you learn from the experience? How can you apply these lessons to improve in the future?

5) Cultivate Persistence: You need to recognise that progress takes time and effort. Stay persistent in your efforts, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Understand that mastery in any skill or area comes through dedication and continuous learning.

6) Ask for Feedback and Growth Opportunities: Actively seek feedback from others and be open to constructive criticism. Use feedback as a tool for improvement and growth. Additionally, look for opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills - stay curious!

7) Celebrate Effort and Success: Celebrate your hard work and progress, not just the end result. Try to acknowledge your effort, dedication, and resilience along the way, whether you achieve your goals or not. Small victories and milestones matter.

8) Set Goals and Visualise Success: Establish clear, achievable goals that challenge you but are within your reach. Visualize yourself achieving these goals and the steps you need to take to get there. Goal setting can keep you motivated and focused.

9) Learn Continuously: Cultivate a love for learning. Be curious and explore new subjects and ideas. Whether it's through books, courses, or hands-on experiences, continuous learning is the foundation of a growth mindset.

10) Surround Yourself with Growth-Minded Individuals: Associate with people who share a growth mindset. Their enthusiasm, positivity, and resilience can be contagious and motivate you to embrace the same mindset.

By Becky Rothwell profile image Becky Rothwell
Updated on
Personal Development